Open access monographs: supporting bibliodiversity

This blog post was written by Graham Stone, senior programme manager for open access monographs. Open access (OA) for journal articles is well-established via pure open access publishers and “read and publish” agreements as part of the transition to open led by cOAlition S. Open access for books is less well-developed, although activity has been […]


Investigating OA monograph services – Final report

The Investigating OA monograph services project has been exploring potential future services to support peer-reviewed OA monograph publishing. With the release of the final report, Eelco and I, as project leads, highlight some of the key work packages, outcomes and recommendations. Two of the most productive work packages were on metadata and publisher information. In […]


Report on open access monograph publishing

We recently blogged on Jisc’s work in the area of open access books. One of the projects we discussed was OAPEN-UK, a five year study into open access monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences. This project has now completed and the final report, written by Ellen Collins and Caren Milloy, is now available. […]


Open Access books: Jisc work in the area

Most of the posts on this blog concern open access to journal articles. In this post, jointly authored by Neil Jacobs, Caren Milloy, Neil Grindley, Chris Keene and Liam Earney, we take a look at Jisc’s current work in the area of OA books. Books are integral to teaching and research. Academics feel strongly about […]


OA books: the next few months at Jisc

In the summer, I posted a summary of Jisc’s work over the next few months on OA journals, and I promised that I would follow this up with something similar covering books. Although not the focus of many research funder OA policies at the moment, monographs present a rather particular set of challenges for OA, […]